
Album Test

I'm not particularly happy with this test. I think that returning the pictures to the albums is too obvious. The album itself I dislike for the plastic slips, and the pattern that comes through the gaps (though one of my peer's mentioned that this appeals to her).


Glass back test

Here the plinth is too close to the corner, it discourages people from walking around it.
Also, in this version the photographs are stacked inside one another, so that it isn't possible to view the images individually.

I like the backs better than the fronts

allows for the images to be seen separately

here the plinth is better situated to be walked around

ugliness of the nails


Lisa Kokin


Lisa Kokin works with a wide range of mediums creating very sculptural work. I am interested in her projects using found photographs.

"I am intrigued with other people’s photographic recording of their lives both for the generic quality they possess -- the family and social rituals, studio portraits, vacation shots -- and for the feeling of sadness and nostalgia that acquiring other people’s memories provokes in me. I feel somehow that it should be illegal to own them, yet since they are for sale it might as well be me who buys them." Lisa Kokin, from her website

Sewn found photographs, buttons, 32-1/2 x 13 x 1, 2001


Sewn found photograph sculpture, 6-1/4 x 5-1/4 x 5-1/4, 2000

Best Wishes
Sewn found photographs, batting, paper, 96 x 72, 2001

La Caridad
Sewn found photographs, feathers, toothpicks, cardboard, book page
6-1/2 x 3-5/8 x 5, 2002

Sewn found photographs, found text, 9 x 9 x 4-1/2, 2000

13-14 x 5-1/2 x 3-1/4, 2002